Platform 18:It is located on the edge of a small cliff just north of the West Manor Cape Floo Flame. Platform 17:It is located atop the taller of the two cliffs on an island just south of the West Manor Cape Floo Flame. Platform 16:It is located atop a small hill just south of the Coastal Mine Floo Flame – in the opening of a valley that stretches into the border. Platform 15:It is located atop a tower at the southern end of the Marunweam Bridge. Platform 14:It is located atop a singular cliff to the south of the South Poidsear Coast Floo Flame. Platform 13:On the edge of the cliff thats on the other side of the river of Irondale. Platform 12:On the cliff right outside the Floo Flame labeled South Feldcroft. Platform 10:In the northern part of the area, east of the Floo Flame, called North Feldcroft.Platform 11 On top of the ruins east of the Floo Flame named Feldcroft. It’s on a hill just above where the train track comes to an end. Platform 8:On the roof of the ruined house northwest of Keenbridge.Platform 9:Just north of the Floo Flame, is called East South Sea Bog. Platform 7:In the northwestern corner of the region, up on the hill to the north of the Floo Flame called West Hogwarts Valley. Platform 6:In the southeastern part of the area, just below Aranshire. The location of the balloons is opposite. Platform 5:Follow the river from its source in the western portion of the area until you see this Landing Platform on your left. It’s by the river running through the area, just west of the Floo Flame, named East North Hogwarts Region. Platform 4:On top of a hill just south of the Small Bandit Camp in the area. Platform 3:Up on the cliffs east of Hogsmeade, just to the left of a Merlin Trial. The Landing Platform is in the forest near the cliffside. Platform 2:In the very northern tip of Hogsmeade Valley, close to the border with North Ford Bog. Platform 1:Southwest of the castle ruins across the river. I have explained all the Hogwarts Legacy Landing platforms in the form of a table below. In total, there are 20 landing platforms in Hogwarts Legacy.