Leaning tower of pizza tilted gaming
Leaning tower of pizza tilted gaming

I think everyone that has been playing for more than 6 months have met those matches where you take the first point on overtime, and just push the cart all the way to the end still on overtime. No matter how hopeless the match seems, you can make a miracle move and win from a single momentum halted from the enemy team. Third and more important (it’s not on the video), because it made very clear that I should always try my hardest because, unlike LoL (which the video focus on), Overwatch is never done until the very end. Second, because it removed the guilt from the times I got a win despite playing thr worst game of my life.

leaning tower of pizza tilted gaming

First, because it told me it’s ok to lose sometimes despite me doing the best game of my life.

Leaning tower of pizza tilted gaming